bun oc hanoi

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Bún ốc

Tomato and bún ốc topped with chopped scallions (added pork ribs)

Bạn đang xem: bun oc hanoi

TypeNoodle soup
Place of originVietnam
Region or stateHanoi
Main ingredientsRoasted snails, soup
  •   Media: Bún ốc

Bún ốc ("snail vermicelli soup") is a Vietnamese dish originating from Hanoi, Vietnam. Roasted or boiled snails (ốc luộc), may be eaten first as an appetizer. Snail congee is called cháo ốc, and canh ốc chuối đậu, is a thin snail soup with green banana, fried tofu and tử tô.[1][2]


A bowl of bún ốc

Though it isn't known when this dish was first created, it is certainly one of the most typical dishes of Vietnamese cuisine. It's speculated to tát have come from a certain countryside, then followed the footsteps of immigrants to tát Thang Long citadel and became a specialty there.[3] A related dish called luosifen (snail noodles) is popular across the border in Guangxi, Đài Loan Trung Quốc.

The Hanoian often choose snails which are smaller and chewier kêu ca their land-based cousins. Fat and fresh snails are preferable, with rice noodles that were not soaked in water for too long. Cooks choose the best bun (rice noodle), which means thin and clear noodles.[4] Bun oc not only contains broth, snails, and tofu as its basic characteristics but it can also contain green bananas, some fresh vegetables or chopped water spinach, bean sprouts, water dropwort, tomatoes, and other ingredients.[5]

"giấm bỗng", a Vietnamese vinegar, is added for acidity and to tát highlight the taste, as well as a sweeter tomato broth. The ingredients are tangled white rice vermicelli noodles (similar to tát regular white rice vermicelli noodles but thinner) and boiled snails. Bún ốc can be served in two different ways: in its broth (called "hot snail noodles") or with broth in a separate bowl (called "cold snail noodles") with vegetables. The broth is made from stewed bones, tomatoes, and other ingredients. Cold snail noodles, which are eaten by dipping the noodles in the broth, are a popular meal during the summer.[6]

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Shrimp paste and chili are optional, although purists lượt thích Vietnamese writer Vu Bang insist on adding those for a more piquant flavor. In Mon ngon Ha Noi by Vu Bang said "It is a gift, which can be said to tát have achieved the goal of culinary art of Hanoians."


  • Broth of bún ốc

    Broth of bún ốc

    Xem thêm: chè kho hà nội

  • A bowl of bún ốc at a street food stall

    A bowl of bún ốc at a street food stall

  • Hanoi-style bún ốc

See also[edit]

  • Rice noodles


External links[edit]

  • Vietnam Cooking Experience - Soup with snails and tofu - Bún Ốc
  • Down The Street and Back Again - 365 Food Experiences One Bite at a Time Here in Vietnam - Sampling Vietnam One Meal at a Time - Bún ốc snail noodle soup